Oggi parleremo di lui. Di quel capo di abbigliamento che non può, tassativamente, mancare nel vostro guardaroba. Parliamo di quel capo che ormai, nonostante l'età, conserva ancora tutto il suo fascino. E la sua utilità. Chevelodicoafare#
Parliamo di lui. Il giacchetto di jeans. Parliamo, dunque, di quel capo a cui ci siamo affezionati da bambini, per poi riscoprirlo durante il periodo liceale, per poi ritirarlo fuori a partire dalla scorsa estate.
Diciamo pure che fa tanto Beverly Hills ed anni '80.
Ma oggi lui è tornato prepotentemente sulla scena.
Ma oggi lui è tornato prepotentemente sulla scena.
Ed io, ne sono profondamente innamorata. Versatile, come pochi, riesco ad abbinarlo dal giorno alla notte, dai jeans ai vestitini. Riuscendo a sdrammatizzare anche il più serioso dei look.
E', dunque, il vero must have delle serate estive.
Ma attenzione: se volete optare per un look total denim, dovrete stare molto attente circa il colore dei lavaggi dei jeans, che dovranno assomigliarsi tantissimo. Altrimenti l'effetto non sarà dei migliori.
Io, personalmente, ritrovandomi in casa un giacchetto di jeans vintage della mamma ho provato a conferirgli una seconda vita. Come? Facilissimo. Ho tagliato le maniche del giacchetto e l'ho fatto diventare un gilè. Il successo è assicurato.
A tutte voi auguro una buona giornata!!!!!!
Today we'll talk about him. We'll talk about that item of clothing that can not, strictly, missing in your wardrobe. Let's talk about the item of clothing that, despite his age, still have all its charm. And its utility. Yougottaknowit # We speak about him. The denim jacket. We speak about that leader that we are fond of from when we are children, that we've discovered it during high school, then pick it out last summer. Let's just say that remind us so much Beverly Hills and 80s.
But today he came back strongly on the catwalk. And i am deeply in love. Versatile as few others i can match it to from day to night, from jeans to dresses.
I manage to defuse even the most staid of look.
It's the real must-have for summer evenings.
But you have to pay attention: if you want to opt for a total denim look, you must be very careful about the color of the wash of the jeans, which will have to resemble a lot. Otherwise the effect will not be the best.
How you wear it??
I found at home, a vintage denim jacket of my mother and i tried to give it a second life. How? Easy. I cut the sleeves of the jacket and it become a vest.
Success is guaranteed.
I wish to all of you a wonderful day!
Today we'll talk about him. We'll talk about that item of clothing that can not, strictly, missing in your wardrobe. Let's talk about the item of clothing that, despite his age, still have all its charm. And its utility. Yougottaknowit # We speak about him. The denim jacket. We speak about that leader that we are fond of from when we are children, that we've discovered it during high school, then pick it out last summer. Let's just say that remind us so much Beverly Hills and 80s.
But today he came back strongly on the catwalk. And i am deeply in love. Versatile as few others i can match it to from day to night, from jeans to dresses.
I manage to defuse even the most staid of look.
It's the real must-have for summer evenings.
But you have to pay attention: if you want to opt for a total denim look, you must be very careful about the color of the wash of the jeans, which will have to resemble a lot. Otherwise the effect will not be the best.
How you wear it??
I found at home, a vintage denim jacket of my mother and i tried to give it a second life. How? Easy. I cut the sleeves of the jacket and it become a vest.
Success is guaranteed.
I wish to all of you a wonderful day!
Wow! These pictures are such an inspiration! Thanks for sharing
i'm glad you like them honey!!!:D