Comodi, leggeri. Ed estremamente chic.
Il loro nome deriva dai pantaloni maschili. Ma non non c'è niente di più femminile di loro. Velopossogarantire#
Non pigiama ma pajamas.
Sono generalmente in seta e ricordano un pò le calde notti firmate anni '70.
Pantaloni iper leggeri, ampi e dalle fantasie sgargianti che ricordano molto quelle dei tanto cari amati foulards.
Sono generalmente in seta e ricordano un pò le calde notti firmate anni '70.
E' un inno ai tempi che furono.
Ci consentono di sdrammatizzare i nostri look estivi.
Perfetti se abbinati a delle semplici t-shirt monocromatiche. Eleganti e sofisticati se abbinati ad una camicia morbida super trasparente.
Comfortable, lightweight. And extremely chic.
Their name comes from the man's trousers. But no there's nothing more feminine than them.
No pyjama but pajamas pants.
They are the latest trend of 2012.
Pants super light, spacious and bright patterns that are very reminiscent of those so dear beloved of scarves.
They are generally in silk and reminiscent of some hot nights 70's.
It 's an ode to days gone by. Allow us to lighten our summer looks.
Perfect when paired with simple monochrome t-shirt. Elegant and sophisticated when paired with a shirt super soft transparent.
Pajamas e tacchi per essere perfette ad un aperitivo, pajamas e ultra flats per uno stile più casual chic.
E voi, vi siete già fatte contagiare da questa nuova tenedenza? Fatemi sapere.
A tutte voi, buona giornata!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Comfortable, lightweight. And extremely chic.
Their name comes from the man's trousers. But no there's nothing more feminine than them.
No pyjama but pajamas pants.
They are the latest trend of 2012.
Pants super light, spacious and bright patterns that are very reminiscent of those so dear beloved of scarves.
They are generally in silk and reminiscent of some hot nights 70's.
It 's an ode to days gone by. Allow us to lighten our summer looks.
Perfect when paired with simple monochrome t-shirt. Elegant and sophisticated when paired with a shirt super soft transparent.
Pajamas pants and heels to be perfect for an aperitif, pajamas pants and ultra flats for a more casual chic.
You have already made influenced by this new tenedenza? Let me know.
I wish you a nice day!!! xoxo
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