Non sò cosa spinga noi donne
a comprare mille tipi di smalti, a collezionare
le sfumature di grigio più disparate...
Ad esibirli, con estremo orgoglio, allineati
perfettamente su qualche mensola o tutti
compressi in una scatola, decisamente troppo
piccola per contenerli tutti.
Non sò cosa ci spinga a cambiare
colore con una certa frequenza, cercando di abbinarli,
il più delle volte, al nostro look.
Cercando le sfumature più particolari,
pronte ad esibirle alle nostre amiche.
A portarli sempre con noi, nella borsetta.
Pronte a ritoccare, in qualsiasi momento, un eventuale
sbeccatura. A metterceli nei posti
più disparati, passando dalla metro, alla macchina, al
bar in cui stiamo bevendo un caffè, perchè
magari non siamo riuscite a ritagliarci quel
quarto d'ora di tempo per la " stesura perfetta".
Non sò cosa ci spinga a stendere un velo di rosso
anche nelle giornate in cui il massimo
spostamento consisterà nella tratta "letto-divano".
Ma in fondo siamo donne e a molte cose non possiamo
trovare una spiegazione.
Lo facciamo e basta.
Pura vanità tipicamente femminile.
Con affetto.
I do not know what pushes us women
to buy thousands of types of nail polish, to collect
the most varied shades of gray ...
To exhibit them, with great pride, aligned
perfectly on any shelf or all
compressed in a box, far too
small to hold them all.
I do not know what lead us to change
color frequently, trying to combine them,
more often than not, to our look.
Looking for the most paricular shades,
ready to show to our friends.
Carry them with us, in our purse.
Ready to revise, at any time, any
chipping. To put on our fingers on the most particular places
from the metro,to the machine,
to the bar where you are having coffee, because
maybe we could not carve that
quarter of an hour to make the "perfect preparation".
shift will consist of the "sofa- bed".
But in the end we are women and many things we can not
find an explanation.
We do this and nothing else.
Typically feminine vanity.
(Immagini prese da google e tumblr).
I do not know what pushes us women
to buy thousands of types of nail polish, to collect
the most varied shades of gray ...
To exhibit them, with great pride, aligned
perfectly on any shelf or all
compressed in a box, far too
small to hold them all.
I do not know what lead us to change
color frequently, trying to combine them,
more often than not, to our look.
Looking for the most paricular shades,
ready to show to our friends.
Carry them with us, in our purse.
Ready to revise, at any time, any
chipping. To put on our fingers on the most particular places
from the metro,to the machine,
to the bar where you are having coffee, because
maybe we could not carve that
quarter of an hour to make the "perfect preparation".
I do not know what lead us to draw a veil of red
even on days when the maximumshift will consist of the "sofa- bed".
But in the end we are women and many things we can not
find an explanation.
We do this and nothing else.
Typically feminine vanity.
I wish you a nice day!
(Immagini prese da google e tumblr).
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