Sono da sempre uno degli accessori preferiti
sia dalle donne che dagli uomini.
Danno quel tocco in più a qualsiasi outfit
e, per noi donne in particolare,
sono davvero un ottimo rimedio per nascondere le occhiaie,
nei giorni in cui la voglia di truccarsi è pari a zero.
Come avrete capito, sto parlando degli occhiali da sole.
I have always been one of the favorite accessories
both by women than by men.
They give that extra touch to any outfit
and, for us women in particular,
the're really a great remedy to hide dark circles,
in the days when we haven't got the desire to wear makeup .
As you may have guessed, I'm talking about sunglasses.
Come avrete capito, sto parlando degli occhiali da sole.
I have always been one of the favorite accessories
both by women than by men.
They give that extra touch to any outfit
and, for us women in particular,
the're really a great remedy to hide dark circles,
in the days when we haven't got the desire to wear makeup .
As you may have guessed, I'm talking about sunglasses.
Ma oggi voglio parlarvi di quegli occhiali
di cui, sono sicura, ognuna di noi
ne ha almeno un paio nel cassetto.
ne ha almeno un paio nel cassetto.
Quegli occhiali dalle linee semplici ma passe-partout
e mai fuori moda: i Ray Ban.
Creative fatevi avanti.
e mai fuori moda: i Ray Ban.
Creative fatevi avanti.
E' arrivato, infatti, il momento di personalizzare
e creare la vostra montatura.
But today I want to talk you about those glasses
that, I'm sure, each of us
has at least a pair in the drawer.
Those glasses with simple lines and passe-partout
and never out of fashion: the Ray Ban.
Creative come forward.
It's arrived, in fact, the time to customize
and create your mount..
But today I want to talk you about those glasses
that, I'm sure, each of us
has at least a pair in the drawer.
Those glasses with simple lines and passe-partout
and never out of fashion: the Ray Ban.
Creative come forward.
It's arrived, in fact, the time to customize
and create your mount..
Partendo da uno dei modelli iconici del brand
(Wayfarer, Aviator, Justin)
è possibile scegliere la combinazione preferita
per i colori del frontale, delle aste,
delle lenti e perfino dell'astuccio.
E non è tutto.
C'è la possibilità di incidere all'interno delle aste
una qualsiasi parola, frase o nome.
Tempo di spedizione?
Non più di cinque giorni!
Starting from one of the iconic models of the brand
(Wayfarer, Aviator, Justin)
you can choose your favorite combination
for the colors of the front end of the auction,
lenses and even of the box.
And that's not all.
There is the possibility to influence inside the rods
any word, phrase or name.
Shipping time?
No more than five days!
Starting from one of the iconic models of the brand
(Wayfarer, Aviator, Justin)
you can choose your favorite combination
for the colors of the front end of the auction,
lenses and even of the box.
And that's not all.
There is the possibility to influence inside the rods
any word, phrase or name.
Shipping time?
No more than five days!
Io sto già decidendo la frase
da incidere all'interno delle aste.
E voi?
E voi?
Con affetto.
What are you waiting for?
I'm already deciding the sentence
to be engraved inside the rods.
And you?
With affection.
I'm already deciding the sentence
to be engraved inside the rods.
And you?
With affection.
(Immagini prese da Google e Tumblr).
(Images taken from Google and Tumblr).
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