Tra fuochi d'artificio, musica, bottiglie di spumante,
un paio di tacchi 12 cm ed un vestitino firmato Asos
ho dato il benvenuto a questo nuovo anno.
A tutte voi auguri!!!!!!!
Auguri a chi ha festeggiato con i parenti più stretti,
a chi è rimasto a casa, a chi ne ha approfittato
per stare con il proprio ragazzo. A chi ha festeggiato in allegria,
con le amiche, quelle di una vita.
Brindando a loro e alla vita che verrà.
Ed io brindo a me, che quest'anno ho raggiunto
vari traguardi, impegnandomi al massimo.
Brindo alla mia famiglia, che nonostante alcuni
momenti di crisi ha retto il colpo.
A mia sorella che è la mia vita.
Alle mie amiche che seppure non riesco a
vedere sempre, data la collocazione spaziale,
ci sono sempre.
Al mio ragazzo, che ormai da numerosi anni
mi sopporta.
Ma il brindisi più sentito va a tutte voi,
che giornalmente, da quasi 7 mesi
mi leggete.
Donandomi tanti piccoli momenti di felicità.
Con l'augurio che questo sia un anno migliore.
Per tutti.
Con affetto.
Between fireworks, music, bottles of champagne,
a pair of heels and a dress 12 cm signed Asos
I welcomed this new year.
To all of you good luck!!!
Greetings to those who celebrated with their closest relatives,
those who stayed at home, who took advantage of
to be with her boyfriend. Who celebrated in joy,
with disabilities, those of a life.
Toasting each other and the life to come.
And I drink to me, that this year I reached
various goals, by engaging as possible.
I toast to my family, that despite some
times of crisis has withstood the blow.
My sister who is my life.
To my friends that even if I can not
always see, for the spatial location,
there are always with me.
My boyfriend, now for many years
is on my side.
But the most heartfelt toast goes to all of you,
who read me every day, for almost 7 months.
Giving me so many small moments of happiness.
We the hope that this is a better year.
For everyone.
With affection.
those who stayed at home, who took advantage of
to be with her boyfriend. Who celebrated in joy,
with disabilities, those of a life.
Toasting each other and the life to come.
various goals, by engaging as possible.
I toast to my family, that despite some
times of crisis has withstood the blow.
My sister who is my life.
To my friends that even if I can not
always see, for the spatial location,
there are always with me.
My boyfriend, now for many years
is on my side.
But the most heartfelt toast goes to all of you,
who read me every day, for almost 7 months.
Giving me so many small moments of happiness.
We the hope that this is a better year.
For everyone.
With affection.
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