Classe 1992. Londinese d'origine.
79 - 60 - 86
non sono i numeri estratti al lotto,
ma le sue misure.
Occhi verdi, sguardo intenso e glaciale
e dei lunghi e biondi capelli
che farebbero invidia anche a Raperonzolo.
Il suo nome è Cara Delevingne.
Top model affermata.
E' la regina delle passerelle a soli 20 anni.
Volto per le campagne pubblicitarie di cosmesi by Burberry
per tre anni consecutivi.
Molteplici sono le sue apparizioni per
le case di moda più svariate, da H&M a Blumarine,
da Zara a Chanel.
Recentemente appellata da Vogue Inghilterra
come the "Star Face" dell'autunno inverno
2012-2013 per aver percorso il catwalk di numerosi
stilisti, tra cui Moschino, Fendi, Stella McCartney,
e Victoria's Secret.
Adora il verde, il bianco e l'immancabile nero.
Chanel, Chloè e Givenchy sono i suoi marchi preferiti.
Carattere solare e ribelle.
Di sicuro lei è molto rock.
Fidanzata. Fidanzatissima più che mai
con il cantante dei One Direction, Harry Styles.
E a noi piace immensamente.
Voto: 10 +.
Con affetto.
Born in 1992. London of origin.
79 - 60 - 86
are not the numbers drawn in the lottery,
but its measures.
Green eyes, intense gaze and glacial
and long blonde hair
that would envy even Rapunzel.
Her name is Cara Delevingne.
She's the queen of the catwalk in just 20 years.
Face for the advertising campaigns of cosmetics by Burberry
for three consecutive years.
There are many of his appearances for
fashion houses such as H&M, Blumarine,
Zara to Chanel.
Face for the advertising campaigns of cosmetics by Burberry
for three consecutive years.
There are many of his appearances for
fashion houses such as H&M, Blumarine,
Zara to Chanel.
Recently appealed from Vogue UK
as the "Star Face" autumn/winter
2012-2013 for having walked the catwalk for many
designers including Moschino, Fendi, Stella McCartney,
and Victoria's Secret.
as the "Star Face" autumn/winter
2012-2013 for having walked the catwalk for many
designers including Moschino, Fendi, Stella McCartney,
and Victoria's Secret.
She loves green, white and black.
Chanel, Givenchy and Chloe are her favorite brands.
Solar and rebellious.
For sure she is very rock.
She's engaged
with the lead singer of One Direction, Harry Styles.
And we enjoy it immensely.
Rating: 10 +.
Chanel, Givenchy and Chloe are her favorite brands.
Solar and rebellious.
For sure she is very rock.
She's engaged
with the lead singer of One Direction, Harry Styles.
And we enjoy it immensely.
Rating: 10 +.
With love.
( Immagini tratta da google e tumblr).
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