Dorota, Sandrina, Magret, Mirtilla,
Chiamatela come volete, ma chiamatela.
Datele un nome.
Ed un campanello.
Portatela in giro.
E vi farà scoprire posti incantati.
Viuzze sconosciute e scorci
cittadini, per voi non avranno più segreti.
Sentitevi liberi
di andare dove volete.
fatevi un giro sotto la pioggia,
cantando a squarciagola.
Sarà liberatorio.
Fatevi un giro per le campagne,
tra i campi di grano, in pieno agosto.
Sarà rigenerante.
Compratevi una bicicletta
e sarete felici.
Per sempre.
Con amore.
Dorota, Sandrina, Magret, Myrtle,
Call it as you want, but call it.
Give her a name.
Customize it.
Make it yours. Now and forever.
Colored. With a wicker basket.
And a bell.
Carry it around.
And you will discover enchanting places.
Unknown streets and views
citizens, for you, to be discovered.
Feel free
to go where you want.
Take a ride in the rain,
It will be liberating.
Take a ride through the countryside,
between fields of wheat, in the middle of August.
It will be refreshing.
Buy yourself a bicycle
and be happy.
With love.
( Immagini prese da tumblr)
Con amore.
Dorota, Sandrina, Magret, Myrtle,
Call it as you want, but call it.
Give her a name.
Customize it.
Make it yours. Now and forever.
Colored. With a wicker basket.
And a bell.
Carry it around.
And you will discover enchanting places.
Unknown streets and views
citizens, for you, to be discovered.
to go where you want.
Take a ride in the rain,
It will be liberating.
Take a ride through the countryside,
between fields of wheat, in the middle of August.
It will be refreshing.
Buy yourself a bicycle
and be happy.
With love.
( Immagini prese da tumblr)
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