E' il nuovo oggetto del desiderio.
Mio e di molte altre.
Che i cappelli rientrino nella mia wish list
è cosa risaputa.
Ma ora la mia attenzione è tutta incentrata
su di lei: la bombetta.
It's the new object of desire.
Mine and many others.
Is well known that hats
Mine and many others.
Is well known that hats
fall in my wish list.
But now my attention is focused
on her: the bowler hat.
But now my attention is focused
on her: the bowler hat.
Dal gusto retrò,
è perfetta da abbinare a look più moderni.
Per spezzare e sdrammatizzare
con ironia le grigie giornate autunnali.
Vero e proprio tributo
della moda britannica, torna ad affascinare,
a conquistare grandi e piccini.
Retro flavor,
is perfect to combine with more modern look.
To break and play down
ironically the gray autumn days.
Real tribute to
British fashion, is back to fascinate,
to conquer us.
is perfect to combine with more modern look.
To break and play down
ironically the gray autumn days.
Real tribute to
British fashion, is back to fascinate,
to conquer us.

Ideale da abbinare a look dal taglio maschile.
La mia l'ho acquistata da Top Shop.
E voi, cosa aspettate ad acquistarne una?
Ideal to combine with masculine-cut look.
I bought mine from Top Shop.
And you, what are you waiting to buy one?
Ideal to combine with masculine-cut look.
I bought mine from Top Shop.
And you, what are you waiting to buy one?
(Immagini prese da google e tumblr)
(Images taken by Google and Tumblr)
(Images taken by Google and Tumblr)
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