In origine ci ha conquistato con la tigre.
Con il lato felino che è in noi.
Con la parte aggressiva, da tirar fuori al momento giusto.
E poi ha fatto spazio a lui, l'occhio.
E come sempre ha fatto centro.
Nei nostri cuori.
Originally it has gained us with the tiger.
With the feline side that is inside us.
With the aggressive part of us, to pull out at the right time.
And then he made room for him, the eye.
And as always hit the mark.
In our hearts.
With the feline side that is inside us.
With the aggressive part of us, to pull out at the right time.
And then he made room for him, the eye.
And as always hit the mark.
In our hearts.
Colpite ed affondate.
Ebbene si, Kenzo non sbaglia mai.
Non perde un colpo.
E se la scorsa collezione è risultata essere vincente,
questa non è da meno.
A me gli occhi.
Questo potrebbe essere il motto della nuova collezione
autunno/inverno 2013 "Kenzo eye".
Hit and sunk.
Yes, Kenzo is never wrong.
He doesn't not miss a beat.
And if the last collection was found to be successful,
this is no exception.
Give me your eyes.
This could be the motto of the new collection
autumn / winter 2013, "Kenzo eye".
Yes, Kenzo is never wrong.
He doesn't not miss a beat.
And if the last collection was found to be successful,
this is no exception.
Give me your eyes.
This could be the motto of the new collection
autumn / winter 2013, "Kenzo eye".
Una collezione ispirata alla cultura orientale.
A Buddha, precisamente.
A quell'occhio che ci osserva, che ci scruta.
Sempre e comunque.
Un occhio che diventa protagonista assoluto
su felpe, t-shirt, gonne e accessori.
A collection inspired by the oriental culture.
To Buddha, precisely.
In that eye looking at us, which scrutinizes us.
Always and forever.
An eye that takes center stage
on sweatshirts, t-shirts, skirts and accessories.
To Buddha, precisely.
In that eye looking at us, which scrutinizes us.
Always and forever.
An eye that takes center stage
on sweatshirts, t-shirts, skirts and accessories.
L'occhio vigile di Kenzo è pronto
ad imporsi nel mondo della moda.
A dettare legge.
Ad essere il degno erede della tigre.
Ed è proprio il caso di dire che
"avremo occhi solo per lui".
The watchful eye of Kenzo is ready
to dominate the fashion world.
To lay down the law.
To be the worthy heir of the tiger.
And it is the case that
"we will have eyes only for him."
to dominate the fashion world.
To lay down the law.
To be the worthy heir of the tiger.
And it is the case that
"we will have eyes only for him."
Con affetto.
With love.
(Immagini prese da Google e Tumblr).
(Images taken from Google and Tumblr).
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