Ho sempre pensato che lo stile fosse qualcosa di innato.
Si nasce sensuali, non lo si diventa.
Ho sempre pensato che un lungo abito in chiffon color cipria fosse il massimo dell'eleganza.
Che un make-up perfetto non fosse cose facile. Non per me.
Che indossare la camicia del proprio uomo, come pigiama, fosse incredibilmente chic.
Che lo smalto color bordò sia il massimo dell'eleganza. In ogni circostanza.
Che fare colazione, nelle fredde giornate invernali, con una tazza di thè e la maglietta extra large del proprio uomo sia il miglior modo per iniziare la giornata.
Che un sorriso smagliante sia il migliore degli accessori.
Che una cena a lume di candela va fatta. Almeno una volta al mese.
Che le borse sono le migliori amiche delle donne. Altro che diamanti.
Che un mazzo di fiori freschi deve essere sempre presente in ogni casa. Son belli da vedere. E profumano l'ambiente.
Che un tubino nero deve essere presente in ogni armadio. E tirato fuori per le occasioni speciali.
Che i capelli sempre in perfetto ordine nessuna li avrà mai. Non preoccupatevi. L'effetto spettinato, piace. E quest'anno va anche di moda.
Che un bacio dato sotto la pioggia sia romantico. E fa tanto effetto film.
Che i tacchi alti posson fare la differenza.
Che donne si nasce. Ma ci si può anche diventare.
Buona giornata mie care!!!
I always thought that style was something innate.
We were born sensual, no one becomes sensual.
I always thought that a long dress in chiffon powder color was the height of elegance.
A perfect make-up was not an easy thing. Not for me.
Wearing the shirt of our man, as pajamas, is incredibly chic.
A bun allows us to be refined and elegant in every circumstance.
The enamel color burgundy is the height of elegance. In all circumstances.
Having breakfast on cold winter days with a cup of tea and extra large t-shirt of your man is the best way to start the day.
A smile is the best accessory.
You have to do a dinner by candlelight. At least once a month.
You have to be romantic.
Surprises are good for the heart.
Bags are the best friends of a women. Other than diamonds.
A bunch of fresh flowers must always be present in every home. They are beautiful to see. And perfume the environment.
A black dress should be in every wardrobe. And brought it out for special occasions.
No one will never have hair always in perfect order. Don't worry. The effect disheveled is cool.
A kiss under the rain is very romantic. It does so much film effect.
High heels can make a difference.
You have to born women. But you can also become.
Good day my dear!
Che i tacchi alti posson fare la differenza.
Che donne si nasce. Ma ci si può anche diventare.
Buona giornata mie care!!!
I always thought that style was something innate.
We were born sensual, no one becomes sensual.
I always thought that a long dress in chiffon powder color was the height of elegance.
A perfect make-up was not an easy thing. Not for me.
Wearing the shirt of our man, as pajamas, is incredibly chic.
A bun allows us to be refined and elegant in every circumstance.
Having breakfast on cold winter days with a cup of tea and extra large t-shirt of your man is the best way to start the day.
A smile is the best accessory.
You have to do a dinner by candlelight. At least once a month.
You have to be romantic.
Surprises are good for the heart.
Bags are the best friends of a women. Other than diamonds.
A bunch of fresh flowers must always be present in every home. They are beautiful to see. And perfume the environment.
A black dress should be in every wardrobe. And brought it out for special occasions.
No one will never have hair always in perfect order. Don't worry. The effect disheveled is cool.
A kiss under the rain is very romantic. It does so much film effect.
High heels can make a difference.
You have to born women. But you can also become.
Good day my dear!
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