Verde. Verde marcio per la precisione.
Nel caso in cui non foste a conoscenza dell'ultima moda, ve la svelo io.
La moda ci vuole vederlo indossare,
ci vuole vedere sfoggiarlo per le vie della città.
E' lui il capo che non potrà mancare nel vostro guardaroba.
Non in questa stagione.
Vuole che ci affidiamo a lui, a lui che ha una storia che dura da secoli.
A lui che ha visto svariati continenti. E momenti storici.
Il mio è firmato tod's. Ed ha le rifiniture color oro.
E da ormai due inverni è sempre con me.
Non tutti lo sanno, ma nasce come indumento per ripararsi dal freddo.
Quello pungente, precisamente.
Quello che solo il Polo Nord conosce.
Ma nel corso della storia verrà riutilizzato dai soldati americani
Ed oggi, oltre alla sua praticità, è anche estremamente chic.
Le sue varianti son infinite.
Ed i grandi stilisti son pronti a reinventarlo.
Per voi.
Per darvi il piacere di indossarlo.
Buona giornata care!!!
Green. Dark green for accuracy.
In case you are not aware of the latest fashion, I will reveal it.
Fashion want us to wear it,
wants us to show it off in the streets of the city.
The "Parka".
It's the clothing that can not miss in your wardrobe.
Not this season.
It wants us to rely on him, to him who has a history spanning centuries.
It has seen several continents. And historical moments.
Mine is signed tod's. And has gold trim.
And for the past two winters is always with me.
Perfect in every circumstance.
That cold known only by the North Pole.
But in the course of history it was re-used by American soldiers
during the Second World War.
And today, in addition to its convenience, it is also very chic.
Its variations are endless.
And the great designers are ready to re-invent.
For you.
To give you the pleasure of wearing it.
Green. Dark green for accuracy.
In case you are not aware of the latest fashion, I will reveal it.
Fashion want us to wear it,
wants us to show it off in the streets of the city.
The "Parka".
It's the clothing that can not miss in your wardrobe.
Not this season.
It wants us to rely on him, to him who has a history spanning centuries.
It has seen several continents. And historical moments.
Mine is signed tod's. And has gold trim.
And for the past two winters is always with me.
Perfect in every circumstance.
Not everyone knows that it was born as a garment for cover from cold.
The pungent, exactly.That cold known only by the North Pole.
But in the course of history it was re-used by American soldiers
during the Second World War.
And today, in addition to its convenience, it is also very chic.
Its variations are endless.
And the great designers are ready to re-invent.
For you.
To give you the pleasure of wearing it.
Good day dear!
Non amo molto questo colore ma mi rendo conto che lo sottovaluto, è molto trendy!
RispondiEliminaCiao cara!
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Eppure hai visto come è facile da abbinare??? :) :)
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