Prendete la comodità e la forma delle ciabattine da camera
e trasferitela su un paio di scarpe da passeggio.
Il risultato? Porta un solo nome: slippers.
Nonchè l'ultima moda del momento.
Peccato per quanti coloro credevano che
non sarebbero tornate più in voga.
Le fashioniste le adorano.
E sembra stiano rubando la scena
alle classiche ballerine.
La loro forma ricorda molto
le pantafole da camera, disegnate per l'universo maschile.
Ma le donne si sà, adorano rubare i capi maschili, farli propri,
per donargli poi una nuova vita.
La versione femminile prevede
stampe e tessuti differenti:
dal velluto, al cavallino, al pizzo.
Vari anche gli accessori con cui vengono impreziosite,
dalle classiche borchiette sia nella versione golden che nella versione silver,
ai brillantini, alle decorazioni in macramè, alle pietre colorate.
Il mio guardaroba ne è ancora sprovvisto,
ma non tarderanno a farvi parte.
L'unico problema sarà quello di scegliere la fantasia
Ancora indecisa se optare per un modello
romantico e femminile o uno più rockettaro,
non mi rimane che navigare sul web
per trovare nuove fonti d'ispirazione.
Perfette da abbinare a jeans skinny,
vestitini e ai famosi pantaloni capri.
Io per ora continuo a studiarmi gli abbinamenti possibili,
in attesa di poterle sfoggiare.
E voi, vi siete lasciate prendere da questa nuova tendenza?
Buona giornata!!!!!!!!
Take the convenience and the shape of the room slippers
and transfer it on a pair of walking shoes.
The result? Bears only one name: slippers.
As well as the latest fad of the moment.
Too bad for those who believed that
would not be back in vogue.
Fashionistas love them.
And they seem to be stealing the show
to the classical dancers.
Their shape resembles
pantafole the chamber, designed for the male universe.
But it's known that women love steal men's clothing, make them their own,
then to give them a new life.
The female version provides
prints and different fabrics:
the velvet, the horse, the lace.
Also various accessories that are enriched,
from the classic golden studs in both the version that the silver version,
to glitter, to decorations in macramé, to colored stones.
My wardrobe it is still lacking,
but it will not take long to make them part.
The only problem will be to choose the perfect model.
I'm still undecided whether to opt for a model
romantic and feminine or more rocker.
I can only browse the web
to find new sources of inspiration.
Perfect to match with skinny jeans,
dresses and famous capri pants.
For now I still have to study the possible combinations,
waiting for them to show off.
What about you? Do you like this new trend?
I wish you a wonderful day!!!
Take the convenience and the shape of the room slippers
and transfer it on a pair of walking shoes.
The result? Bears only one name: slippers.
As well as the latest fad of the moment.
would not be back in vogue.
Fashionistas love them.
And they seem to be stealing the show
to the classical dancers.
Their shape resembles
pantafole the chamber, designed for the male universe.
But it's known that women love steal men's clothing, make them their own,
then to give them a new life.
The female version provides
prints and different fabrics:
the velvet, the horse, the lace.
Also various accessories that are enriched,
from the classic golden studs in both the version that the silver version,
to glitter, to decorations in macramé, to colored stones.
My wardrobe it is still lacking,
but it will not take long to make them part.
The only problem will be to choose the perfect model.
I'm still undecided whether to opt for a model
romantic and feminine or more rocker.
I can only browse the web
to find new sources of inspiration.
Perfect to match with skinny jeans,
dresses and famous capri pants.
For now I still have to study the possible combinations,
waiting for them to show off.
What about you? Do you like this new trend?
I wish you a wonderful day!!!
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